Audiobooks - written, produced by JZ Murdock and narrated either by the author or voice actor Tom Remick. Produced by LGN Productions. Available from Amazon, Audible and iTunes and elsewhere.
On Psychology - A brief history of psychology and the sciences as related to field theory and contextualism which then moves into issues regarding synesthesia/schizophrenia and a brief summary including comment on cannabis and drugs. Listener review on "This book consists of a brief explanation of psychology theory and synesthesia. It is quite interesting. I would recommend this book to people interested in psychology, students, psychiatrists or psychologists. Even if you are not directly interested in psychology, this could also be good for self-improvement. Author and [narrator] did a good job, I liked the book and hope there will be an opportunity to listen more on this field. It is easy to follow. You can listen to it in one go since it is 1 hr and 49 mins long."
In Memory, Yet Crystal Clear - Are we in a world that is reminiscent of a Philip K. Dick novel since the 2016 US Presidential election?This is a story where a world famous surgeon helps his missing son's best friend, only to find that his actions lead to monumental changes in the United States as well around the world and all in ways he could never have foreseen and might regret for the rest of his life. If only he could. Listener review on "A creepy short story of how the figure on the cover comes to be this Dr. Manhattan-ish creation. At first, it was difficult to follow, in part because the narration was a little dry and rushed (but clear enough). There are some interesting ideas here about the future of cyborgs, social media, and mass media that I won't spoil, but overall, it wasn't really a story for me. It was reminiscent of I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, in a presentation of a strange future ruled by an omnipotent AI-like being. "
Mr. Pakool's Spice - It is months beyond the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. A father and his two young children are trying to make it through the wintry back woods of Oregon state to somewhere, anywhere safe. Listener review on "I've read several short stories by JZ Murdock, and this ranks amongst his best. Highly recommended."
Expedition of the Arcturus - A generational spaceship is sent to its destination. Will they all make it? Why might some of them, or all of them, not make it? What is really going on? Originally published on, a hard sci fi online magazine. Soon to be in the new Anthology of Evil II, sequel to the original collection of older short horror and sci fi, Anthology of Evil. Video
The Conqueror Worm - This audiobook, newly re-engineered, is the first full chapter of the book, Death of heaven. Two boys, best friends, experience a horror that changes their lives forever, after digging in the yard. Also available as a standalone ebook. You can also watch and listen to the author read part of the chapter. Video WILDSound Writing Festival First Chapter review said: "The story itself is very strong, lulling the reader into a false sense of security as two young boys hunt for treasure, before ultimately morphing into a violent and sometimes disturbing tale of horror. This is done with such swiftness that it takes the reader completely by surprise, which only enhances the effect."
The Mea Culpa Document of London - Originaly published in Anthology of Evil. A medieval Witch Hunter and Judge of the Inquisition has a problem; the same one his mentor had to deal with years before. This is a document that was allegedly found by a modern researcher, who then had his own problems in result of this (further explored in Death of heaven in the chapter, Vaughan's Theorem). Video